Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I thought it would be helpful to illustrate how different sizes effect the cropping of an image.

Click on the image for a larger view, but I think this really helps to illustrate image cropping. The original camera file is in a 4x6 ratio, so if you were to double that, the size would be 8x12, not 8x10. Ideally, frames would be sold in a 4x6 ratio, but they usually aren't. So in the 8x10 example, you are losing two inches. When does this make a difference? Usually it only matters when the original image is a close-up, which makes the loss more noticable.

Now that my new pricing includes the high resolution files, I thought it particularly important to point this out as many brides may be obtaining their own prints. Please email me with any questions!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

My baby is three!!

I didn't have a wedding this weekend because we were celebrating Ella's third birthday. Below is the design that I used for her birthday invitation. Thank goodness for Photoshop, because in the original picture, her face was COVERED with candy!

We had a great time at her party, and of course she received lots of toys! I honestly cannot believe that she's already three, it seems like she was just born. She is the sweetest, most well behaved little girl in the world, I love her to death!! I'll be posting her party pictures on my personal website as soon as I have a chance.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Meghan & Samuel

Because I focus my business on weddings, I rarely schedule portrait sittings. I do, however, take pictures for friends and family, especially when there's a little boy who has eyes that look like this!

This is Meghan, she just turned five, Samuel just turned a year.

Meghan and Samuel are the children of a friend of mine, and Meghan is friends with my daughter Ella. I was trying to distract Ella during their session, but her and Meghan have so much fun together... look how sweet!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My Style - Part I

Well, I probably need to write several posts regarding my style... there are many facets to my complex personality :)), but let's start with this one.

I recently finished Nadine and Anthony's proofs (send me an email if you'd like the password), and this image really caught my eye.

There's just something about it that really represents who I am... the composition, the way she is walking out of the frame, the slight movement to her veil, the mysterious mood, the way her dress frames her shape, the post processing effects... I don't know, I just LOVE it!

If you like photographs of people looking and smiling at the camera, while centered perfectly in the frame, then I am not the photographer for you! Of course I take the necessary formals, but my overall style lends itself to images like the one above. I'll post more on this topic soon.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Laurie & Tim

Had a great day shooting with my friend Kathy in the Upper Saint Claire area. Laurie and Tim had a beautiful day, even if it was a little hot! I caught their reflection in the tile on the side of the building as they were making their way to the fabulous Lemont, where their reception was held.

For the record, I am an opportunist. I am constantly aware of my surroundings and the lighting situation, even when I'm not photographing anything (just ask my friends, I can get rather annoying... "LOOK AT THE LIGHT!!!"). For instance, I went to the restroom when we arrived at the Lemont, and immediately knew that I would, at some point, get Laurie in there by herself. There was this great little cove, with a chair and spotlight, and I love the way this image turned out.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Yervant in Toronto!

Last week I had the opportunity to attend a seminar given by one of the best wedding photographers in the world. His name is Yervant, and the seminar was entitled, "Dancing with the Bride and Groom." It's definitely worth checking out his site, he's one of my sources of inspiration.

The seminar was held in downtown Toronto, and we had an amazing time!! We discussed business, presentation, and most importantly, working with the bride and groom. One of our gracious hosts, Judy, supplied us with two real people to take on location to photograph. It's so important to work with real people, rather than models, since all of our brides are "real" people!

Yervant took our bride and groom outside, and demonstrated how he typically conducts a shoot. What fun!! Having the opportunity to watch the master work is magic is amazing. Seriously, I realize that most of you have never heard of Yervant, but he is like the Brad Pitt of photography (minus the looks - sorry Yervant!), he's just an absolute wonder with his camera.

Below are some images I shot during our session, the rest can be seen here.

Bring on the long veils ladies, I LOVE 'em!!

If I've already shot your wedding, you'll know that I love to lay on the ground or climb things to get that perfect shot! Looks like this crazy Australian guy feels the same way!

It was also a day to network and mingle with several other wedding photographers, we love talking shop!

And finally, me with the man himself, thanks for an awesome day Yervant!

Monday, August 08, 2005

About me!

Well, I just removed the bio section of my website in favor of sending everyone to my blog. I think you'll get a much better idea about who I am reading my weekly updates, rather than reading some boring bio page.

Below is a picture my husband took of me last year just before I turned 30 (ouch!). I had him take an entire series so that I could remember what I looked like in my 20's. So sad to see those days go, but I'm actually loving where I'm at in my life right now. Something about turning 30 made me feel more wise... confident... and... I don't know... just better.

Click here
to see some more images of me... I had a blast being in my friends wedding!