Friday, June 03, 2005

I was in a wedding!

My friend Rachel was married on June 3rd, and I was her matron of honor. Sure was different to be in front of the camera!! I really enjoy experiences like this, I think it helps give me a different perspective... I can completely understand how it feels to be asked to look this way, smile, etc.

Her wedding and reception were both held at Shakespeare's.
I loved the dresses that she chose for us, and the flowers were beautiful as well. I had a great time!
Here is a picture of the entire bridal party in front of the castle doors.

My husband Craig and daughter Ella were in attendance is well... I'm the luckiest person in the world, my family means everything to me.

Seriously, can you tell how much we love this little girl?!?! She is an absolute angel!

My parents took Ella home while Craig and I got to enjoy one another's company, it was so nice to dance with my husband, he is a wonderful man.


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