Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I thought it would be helpful to illustrate how different sizes effect the cropping of an image.

Click on the image for a larger view, but I think this really helps to illustrate image cropping. The original camera file is in a 4x6 ratio, so if you were to double that, the size would be 8x12, not 8x10. Ideally, frames would be sold in a 4x6 ratio, but they usually aren't. So in the 8x10 example, you are losing two inches. When does this make a difference? Usually it only matters when the original image is a close-up, which makes the loss more noticable.

Now that my new pricing includes the high resolution files, I thought it particularly important to point this out as many brides may be obtaining their own prints. Please email me with any questions!


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