Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My Style - Part II

Back in August, I posted a little bit about my style. I've been meaning to post more, but I've been having so much fun with weddings that I haven't had the time! Well, editing Katie and Mark's wedding has inspired me to post more. I'm editing their images as I type, and I realized that I have a thing for hands. Yes, hands. I think that they can convey emotion and be so expressive... allow me to post a few examples.

My assistant Heather (she has a hand thing as well) shot the image above, while I was shooting the image below.
Heather also shot this image while I was shooting the fourth image in my previous post.

During their first dance I saw them lean in for a kiss and outstrech their arms.

Then I decided that I should get the kiss as well, but their hands were my initial focus.

Look at the way his hands frame her waist... not only does it show the detail in her dress, and his brand new wedding band, but I think it also shows a tender moment between a new husband and wife. I am lovin' life.


At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What can be said??? You ROCK!

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am at a total loss for words and, believe me, that is very unusual!!!

Mark and I knew when we met with you that you would be able to capture all of the moments that a bride and groom either forget or don't realize are happening during their wedding. Heather, you have definitely accomplished that for Katie and Mark.

Thank you for being such an important part of Katie and Mark's day. But, more importantly, thank you for sharing your creativity, compassion and true talent with all of us.


At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't stop looking at these pictures. I log on every day to see if there are any new ones - guess we'll have to wait for the final product. These are FABULOUS pics - look like they are right out of a bridal magazine. Yes, Katie is a beautiful bride - but Heather, you certainly know how to enhance that beauty. Heather, I think we will see your work in magazines or the movies or something BIG down the road. As Sherri says - You ROCK! Love the way you look at life.
Aunt Mary

At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I think my family said it all! Your work is amazing and your personality made the entire experience both effortless and incredibly fun. We brides are so very lucky to have a photographer like you!! I'll never be able to stop looking at these pictures...

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone has already said it, You are the greatest. Although KT always has it, you definitely brought out the beauty of my daughter from what I have seen so far and you caught the other side of Mark that people don't see. These pictures show the love and caring the two have for each other.
Thank You


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