Saturday, December 17, 2005

Happy Birthday Donnie

My brother Donnie would have been 38 years old today. He was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident in 1994 at the age of 26. I was 19, just about to turn 20, when I had to try to make sense of such a life changing event. After all this time, I can still say that I will never understand why things like this have to happen.

Donnie served in the Marines and spent the better part of 1991 in Kuwait City during Operation Desert Storm. We were so proud of him. Below is a picture of him during that time when he was unable to come home for Christmas.

I miss him more than words can describe, and think of him every day. Ironically, he's part of the reason that I got into photography. After his death, I realized that there were very few recent pictures of him or our family. I told myself that I would never let that happen again. I started snapping pictures like crazy and never looked back.

Donnie used to tell me all the time that only the good die young. So true.


At 8:23 PM, Blogger Catherine said...

I have been reading for a couple weeks and have perused all your archives. I love that you have the inspiration to take such beautiful photos...I'm just so sorry that the inspiration was even partly due to the tragic loss of your brother.

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No words can make your loss any easier but your gift of photography is a constant reminder of your love for Donnie.

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss Donnie too. He was such a wonderful person - always easy going, happy, and wonderful to be around. He was my first nephew and I will never forget him. I love you Donnie!


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